Snow Lotus Daily Use Therapy Pad
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Therapy Pad is a mixture of carefully-selected herb extracts placed in a cotton pantyliner.The Our Market has a normal Panty Liner which is used for absorbency for daily vaginal discharge and for vaginal dryness.

How about for people having Urinary Bladder infection,Intimate part infection and some kind of menstrual disease?

How to get rid of them?
India’s first product for women which combines Protection+Care+Solution and helps to eliminate Intimate complaints in a natural way.

Recommended for
  • Irritation of Intimate Parts
  • Vaginal Discharge and Itchiness
  • Vaginal Dryness
  • Menstrual Disorder
  • Unpleasant Smell of Intimate Parts
  • Premenstrual Tension
  • Urinary Bladder Infections
  • Urinary Incontinence
  • Vaginal Fungal & Bacterial Inflammation
  • Daily Care and Protection of Intimate parts.


Main ingredients
  1. Herbs like:Snow lotus, Angelica, Motherwort, Astragalu, Saphora,Cnidium,Mint, Rehmannia Glutinosa, Perri, Aloevera, Iceberg Saussurea, Ice flakes and safflower.
  2. Pure cotton knitted fabric
  3. Airlaid fabric
  4. PE back film
  5. Release paper
  6. Aluminum foil packing.

  1. Balance flora
  2. Detoxify, repair, activate, nourish and enhance defense function
  3. Balance hormones
  4. killing parasites to relieve itching
  5. Regulate the menstrual cycle
  6. Have an effect on the disease of gynaecology
  7. Prevents wound infection after childbirth and induced abortion.


1. What is the difference between ordinary pantyliners and “Snow Lotus” Therapy Pad?

An ordinary pantyliner is used for female intimate hygiene purposes and absorption of discharge from the reproductive tract, outside menstruation. The main purpose of the “Snow Lotus” Therapy Pad is not only absorption of the discharge, but mainly antibacterial action and its assistance in eliminating infections, discomfort, burning sensation, itchiness, irritation and unpleasant smell of female intimate parts. Therefore, it is recommended for use after various gynecological operations in order to reduce the risk of infections.

“Snow Lotus” Therapy pad were dermatologically tested and it was found that none of their ingredients has any irritating or allergic properties and, contrary to other hygienic products, they are made of 100% cotton.

“Snow Lotus” Therapy pad should NOT be used during pregnancy, because this is a period when particular care should be taken.

Yes. The herb ingredients contained in the Therapy pad have a local action and they do not penetrate the blood circulation system, so they can be safely used during the breastfeeding period.

It is recommended to start using “Snow Lotus” Therapy pad after the first menstruation. “Snow Lotus” is a herbal product with natural action. Its use by young women does not in any way affect the growth and development of a young person.

In every situation where female intimate parts are exposed to infections (e.g. a swimming pool, using public toilets, after a sexual intercourse, etc.). Contact with pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms may lead to infections even in a healthy woman. In such a situation, the use of “Snow Lotus” Therapy pad helps to eliminate bacteria, in this way blocking the development of infections.

Miscarriage or gynaecological operations, both of a surgical and pharmacological character, cause certain damages to the uterus, as well as certain disorders of the hormonal and immunity systems. The organism is exposed to viruses and bacteria. Daily use of “Snow Lotus” Therapy pad helps to stop hemorrhage, has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action, blocks the source of infection and accelerates the healing of wounds, regulating the hormone balance.

After giving birth, there may remain certain damages to the endometrium. Small wounds of the endometrium may contribute to the occurrence of infections. Daily use of “Snow Lotus” Therapy pad helps to maintain the cleanliness of the female intimate parts, protecting them against infections.

It is recommended to start using “Snow Lotus” Therapy pad 10 – 14 days after birth giving, because the reduced immunity during the recuperation period means that the female organism is more prone to infections. The use of “Snow Lotus” Therapy pad helps to reduce pain, infections, swelling and facilitates the healing of wounds.

Even healthy women sometimes experience symptoms such as: vaginal discharge, unpleasant smell or itchiness of intimate parts. The use of “Snow Lotus” Therapy pad at such times may quickly bring relief and contribute to the solution of the above female problems. Moreover, the use of Therapy pad at the early stage of the problem stops the development of infection and constitutes ideal protection of intimate parts.

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