Period Care > Feminine care

        Some game changing business brands are born out of need. So was ZOY. Safe and reliable sanitary products were the need of the hour. Maheswari Moorthy took it upon herself to fill that void by creating ZOY. Maheswari Moorthy is an erudite entrepreneur with a masters technology and science. Originating from textile industry background as a successful entrepreneur, she set her sight on the menstrual hygiene with the sole aim where Women needs to put HER HEALTH FIRST AND EVERYTHING NEXT.

The spark behind the birth of ZOY is "If a Sanitary pad can weaken your UTERUS natural rhythm why can’t the same Enhance when it is properly medicated & precisely engineered" .ZOY means LIFE, relating women as a LIFEGIVER. This initiative is not about women care,it’s about Human Care. We see ourselves not as a product giving company but as a compassionate solution provider.

There is a “Big need for a massive cultural shift in Women’s hygiene”.Our intention is to encourage women everywhere to embrace the creative power centre of their body-THE WOMB,shifting the mindset from ‘Fear & Shame’ to ‘Reverence & Empowerment’.

―Maheswari Moorthy

